Billing Manager Job Scam At

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2 Responses

  1. Anwahs says:

    I have just been scammed.
    Here was what I was asked to do:


    While we are waiting for the client’s payment, I have another task for you. Could you please look up any IT events in your state that will take place in January and February 2017? We would like to establish our market presence in your area, and events like conferences, presentations or expos offer a great deal of potential contacts and contracts. That’s a request from our Marketing dep, it would help us greatly.

    Best regards,
    Angela Vickers, Supervisor
    Digital Aqueduct Team

    I received the check, told my bank they put a ten day hold on the check. Of course it did it clear. I told Angela and she revoked my access to the portal.
    On the direct deposit slips I used a prepaid card. So my bank information has not been compromised.
    This is crazy!

  2. Tim says:

    I received this offer from Angela Vickers, with actual I9 download, and offer downloads, fortunately I found your website while investgating the offer


    I apologize for the delay, we appreciate your interest in the Billing Manager job opening with Digital Aqueduct! Per your request, I’m sending you our hiring package, which you can download here:

    The package includes the following documents:

    1. Employment Agreement: It gives a general idea of the position, such as the compensation and schedule, responsibilities, benefits, etc. Download

    2. Authorization for Background Check: Since this position involves full access to our clients’ personal, financial and confidential information, each contractor is required to undergo a basic background check to make sure he/she doesn’t have previous criminal record. Download

    3. I9: As a legitimate employer, we are legally required to verify an employee’s identity and to establish that the contractor is eligible by law to accept employment in the USA. Download


    Digital Aqueduct is a US branch of a web developer company with a headquarters in the UK. Our office in Detroit, MI is due to open before Christmas; however, we are looking for a reliable Billing Manager to perform tasks that will help us manage our income right now.

    A typical day begins with clocking into the system online and receiving a checklist of assignments for the day. You will be responsible for keeping track of the monies paid to us by our clients, handling invoices, bills and statements and managing client records. Other duties will also include documenting orders, submitting order details into the system and getting in touch with customers regarding billing issues. Each Billing Manager is assigned to a supervising manager in the office, who provides guidelines as well as additional information and support on the position routine