Beware Of The Package Manager Job Offer At

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4 Responses

  1. Kimberly says:

    I got emails on both 1/31/18 and 2/5/18. Email addresses are different–1/31/18 message from (all caps) MR. THOMAS L ROMAN where raw message reveals: Received-SPF: pass (domain of designates as permitted sender) and IP is located in Bejing, China; later in raw message is an IP with a city in Algeria as the source and Reply to: “MR. THOMAS L. ROMAN” . so perhaps reply would go to that email instead of the one which appears in the header?

    2/5/18 email from MR. Thomas Roman where raw message reveals: Received-SPF: none (domain of does not designate permitted sender hosts) and IP is located in Guyancourt, France; later in raw message is a IP in Yokohama, Japan and Reply to: “MR. Thomas Roman”

    So one includes a middle initial and is in all caps, one is “permitted” (don’t know what that means) and neither is the same originating or reply to email address. No website is mentioned in the body of the emails,which are identical; presumabley upon reply more info would be provided. I won’t be doing that. I used melissadata to trace IP addresses.

  2. SDC says:

    I received this email about a week ago and replied but got suspicious when they didn’t send me a legitimate job application nor provided a contact number which I asked for in my reply.

  3. Marcus says:

    Just received the email last night. Sounded so legit and something I’d be interested in. Glad I did some research.

  4. Thank you for alerting the public to this scam. We are taking action to get the fake website ( shut down.

    Margaret Phillips
    Borderlinx Legal Counsel