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9 Responses

  1. Beth says:

    I also received an email on 1/19/16 from a Gary Allen at Venture Staffing in Cupertino, CA, then the 2nd email from April Byrne at Advanced Standards, Inc. The money they were offering sounded way too good to be true. Glad I didnt fall for it by giving them any personal info. I dug around on the internet and found this website! Thank you!

  2. Bee says:

    I received the first email from Venture Staffing and the 2nd email from April Byrne, what they offered sounded to good to be true so I’m happy I went digging. Thank you so much for providing this information. It was odd that they would offer a position would not even wanting to speak to me over the phone. Thanks Again!

  3. Kim says:

    I’m glad that I did some investigating from the first email received from Venture Staffing Company. Do your homework.

    I also received this message from April Brynn, but originally received from: Venture Staffing Company LLC

    • admin says:

      Thank you for this information. Yes, they have been stealing various legitimate employment or staffing agency names on the initial email and they even go so far as to register a domain name just for the spoofed employment agency. This is something they started doing several months ago after they couldn’t fool people anymore with the Career Builder emails. I suppose they believed by using legit employment agency names their offer would appear more legitimate and they could get more victims this way.

      • Kim says:

        How can we report this? I do not want this SCAM hurting others.

        • admin says:

          About all you can do is file a complaint with and hope they will do something to catch these criminals since they continue creating one scam after another.

  4. Sandy says:

    I received an email just like this one. The person said her name was April Byrne, her email address, and phone number (347)695-2066. I was suspicious and did some research, found this website.
    That job was to good to be true.
    Thank you very much.