Beware Of A Fake Billing Support Job Offer For Nidec Corporation

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2 Responses

  1. Cynthia Milton says:

    I just received an email from with the exact information mentioned in this article regarding 8942-FS77219 NIDEC CORPORATION . I’ve been scammed once re: Walton Transportation, but I didn’t provide my card information. This is the second time this year I’ve been targeted. If it sounds too good to be true.. ….it is.

  2. Valnita O'Neil says:

    This is a SCAM!!! Beware of 48226-8441 NIDEC Corp offered me the same. Problem is that they don’t think about the actual process of being offered a position from a large corporation. No one with only a high school education makes 76, 000 starting off.

    Ohhhh, You gotta be quicker than that!