Guangzhou EEP AUTO PARTS CO Ltd Accounting Resolution Representative

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2 Responses

  1. KeChaunda says:

    I got these emails and found them to be very suspicious but thought maybe they got my information from my online resume. I received this email on the 5th and saw that is was strange that there was no phone number to call. I replied but there was never an answer to the question I asked making me feel that it was an automatic reply set on anyone who emailed them back. I have research the company time and time again while still emailing “James N. Howard”. While replying and emailing, I still felt uneasy about the emails and would never check from my home computer where all of my important information is stored, and I finally got the answer I was looking for when I found this website. But in the document that was sent for a signature, there were formatting errors and the document was in Word. Real companies don’t do this because, I made changes to the document, co this means that anyone can make changes to the document. The emails never made it to the point of them asking for any personal information. Too, another give away was that they never addressed me by my name. Below are the emails that went on:
    James N. Howard

    AttachmentsMay 5 (4 days ago)

    to me

    EEP AUTO PARTS Standing Employment Application offer

    This message is sent with reference to your interest in the Accounting Resolution Representative position available at EEP AUTO PARTS.

    We are pleased to offer you the job for role of Accounting Resolution Representative available with our company in the Financial Branch.

    A full benefits package is being offered as well (information can be found in the legal draft attached to this message)
    A detailed legal draft of the Employment Agreement pertaining to this position can be found attached to this email. (EEP AUTO PARTS Legal Agreement).
    You will also find attached to this email a Questions & Answers document containing further details pertaining this position that may answer many if not all of your questions (EEP AUTO PARTS Q&A).

    Please download and review both documents.
    Should you decide to accept EEP AUTO PARTS’s offer of employment on the spot, please email back a signed and completed copy of the Employment Agreement.
    Please send me an email confirming the receipt of this offer and the attached documents.

    If you wish to accept this offer I will expect your confirmation.

    Thank you for your interest in EEP AUTO PARTS.

    KeChaunda Gilcrease

    May 4 (5 days ago)

    to James
    Good Morning Mr. Howard,

    After receiving your email and reading the attached document, I would like to know more about the employment opportunity with Guangzhou EEP Auto Parts Co. I hope to hear from you soon.

    Thank you,

    KeChaunda Gilcrease

    Email 2
    James N. Howard

    May 4 (5 days ago)

    to me

    Guangzhou EEP AUTO PARTS CO Employment Letter – Follow Up

    Good Morning,

    Yesterday I’ve sent you an email containing our employment letter, in case you missed it I took the liberty of sending you this email with the employment letter attached on our cloud server, I have granted you access to view the file.

    Guangzhou Employment Letter Cloud File:

    Best Regards.

    I received the employment letter on yesterday with the original email. In that document it stated that in order to apply for the job that an email response was required within 7 business days. I did open the link that was in this email and it is just giving me the employment letter again. I am interested in the position with the company and wanted to know what I’d have to do to apply for the position.

    Thanks again,

    KeChaunda Gilcrease

    Email 3
    James N. Howard

    May 5 (4 days ago)

    to me

    EEP AUTO PARTS Follow Up

    A couple of moments ago I’ve sent you a message entitled “EEP AUTO PARTS Electronics Standing Employment Application offer” and I was wondering if you received it.

    Please be sure to check your Spam/Junk folder since some messages tend to end up there.

    If you wish to accept our offer complete page 1, 7 and 8 of the Agreement and send it back via email.

    Best Regards.

    Good Morning Mr. Howard,

    I did receive the email that you sent my intent is to send that information back as my acceptance for the position being offered. However, I do still have questions about the position that were not answered in the Q&A document that was attached.

    1. Can you give be a brief description as to what this position entails? Eg: phone calls, office visits and other business related traveling, cold calling, sales, or strictly web based.

    2. If I wish to start as part-time and then transition to full-time is that possible? What is considered full-time and part-time

    3. Are there any upfront costs?

    4. Would weekend work be required?


    Attached is the signed Employment Agreement. Also, will I get a copy of the companies policies and procedures?


    Email 4 after sending “application” back
    James N. Howard

    8:50 AM (6 hours ago)

    to me


    I have received your Agreement , please allow me 72 hours to review it and send it to HR.

    Best Regards.

    Good morning,

    I am just confirming that I got your message. Is there anyway that I could get some clarity on the list of questions that I sent or do I need to wait until everything is cleared through HR?


    Probably won’t get a reply now. If I do I will be sure to post

    • admin says:

      Thank you for sharing this information. I’m sure they will reply and the answer will be that your hired and you can start right away. They may or may not want to do a quick phone or online “interview” first to look more legit, but you can absolutely guarantee you got their fake job because they think they snagged themselves another unsuspecting victim they can scam money from.